At AFX Holdings we offer top of the range products for gold mining applications. In this blog piece you will find out in which gold mine applications our products are used.
Applications where our products are used in the gold mining process include:
Crusher plants
Peristaltic pumps for transfer of crusher slime thickener underflow to milling circuit. Pumping spillage from spillage sumps.
Milling plants
Agitator for surge tank before thickening.
Thickener plant
Peristaltic pumps for thickener underflow transfer to cyanidation circuit via surge tank. Agitator for surge tank.
Cyanidation Plant for gold recovery
Agitators for gold leach reactors. Size of reactor can be up to 6000 m3.
Carbon in Pulp (CIP) /Resin in Pulp (RIP) Plants
Peristaltic pumps for carbon or resin transfer. Agitator duties include solids suspension and mixing to prevent carbon / resin abrasion and breakage.
Plant Residue
Surge tank before pumping to tailings dam. Agitator in surge tank.
Elution, electro-winning and gold recovery
Peristaltic pumps for carbon transfer.
CIP & CIL Processes
Adsorption is most commonly recognised as Carbon in Leach (CIL) or Carbon in Pulp (CIP), where the processes use activated carbon for the gold to leach onto.
CIL is a process of cyanidation as the carbon is added into the leach or reactor tanks. Leaching, as well as adsorption, will take place in the same leach tanks. CIL is the simultaneous process of leaching and adsorption. This process was specifically developed for the processing of gold ores containing “preg-robbing” materials i.e. organic carbon. These materials reduce the gold yield by attracting the gold meant for the activated carbon. The employment of leaching and adsorption assists in minimising this problem.
CIP differs from CIL in that the leaching process and the adsorption process take place in separate reactors or tanks.
During the CIP process, pulp flows through several agitated tanks. The addition of oxygen and sodium cyanide is done before the CIP circuit to dissolves the gold into a solution. This is commonly known as gold dissolution.
Activated carbon is present in the adsorption tanks, which the gold adsorbs onto. The activated carbon flows counter-currently to the pulp. Separation screens sort the barren pulp from the gold loaded carbon. Adsorption onto activated carbon is commonly categorised as recovery. Preceding recovery one would expect to encounter solution concentration, stripping or electro-winning.
AFROMIX (AFX) have a countless number of successful installations in Leach, CIL and CIP applications worldwide, using our F3 hydrofoil impeller system. Our agitators are robust in design and mechanically sound to withstand the harsh operating conditions some of these plants undergo.
There are several processes available to destruct cyanide, with the most common process being the INCO method. This processing route includes the destruction of the cyanide in the presence of oxygen and sulphur dioxide.
The oxygen is provided through large volumes of air or pure oxygen with sulphur dioxide gas or a solid reagent sodium called metabisulphite. To achieve maximum oxygen utilisation during the treatment process, specialised impellers are developed to yield oxygen utilisation from the compressed air ranging from 20% to 40%. This depends on the percentage of solids in the slurry being treated. When pure oxygen gas is introduced, however, this number could be as high as 80%.
Give our team at AFX Holdings a call and we will find the best products for your gold mining processes.
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